
Mergers and Acquisitions

VMF has provided advice for numerous M&A domestic and cross-border transactions in a wide variety of market sectors. Our lawyers’ work includes the due diligence process, negotiating and drafting the instruments of the transaction, such as Confidentiality Agreements, Letters of Intent, Preliminary Agreements, Shareholders’ Agreements and Sale Contracts, along with the selection of the most adequate corporate structure and tax planning.

Compliance with the regulatory issues concerning these transactions deserves special attention. This requires a thorough knowledge of Antitrust and Competition laws, in which our professionals are specialists.

Many transactions have benefited from the expertise of our lawyers, who have contributed with clever solutions to regulatory and structuring problems.

The financing processes of these transactions is key to these operations. The financing processes, in effect, have required our valuable intervention before banking institutions or in the securities market. Vitale, Manoff & Feilbogen has advised sellers, buyers and suppliers of financing for M&A and other complex transactions.

Our lawyers have advised on transactions for different market sectors, such as energy, media, the Internet, transportation, medicine, pharmaceutical laboratories, health, maritime, mining and oil and gas.

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