Control Agencies

The Central Bank of Argentina
The Central Bank is the body that governs the financial system of the Argentine Republic and its monetary policies. According to its founding Charter (Statute 24144), it is an autarchic Governmental entity.

The National Intellectual Property Office
The National Intellectual Property Office is an autarchic entity of the Ministry of Productive Development and the enforcing Authority of industrial property laws.

Securities and Exchange Committee (CNV)
The CNV is an autarchic entity of the National Ministry of Economy formed and regulated by Statues 26.831 and 27.440 whose purpose is to supervise and control the Capital Exchange markets, protect the investors, and promote the development and operation of a transparent, inclusive, and sustainable exchange market.

Superintendence of Business Organizations (IGJ)
The Superintendence of Business Organizations (IGJ) is the Agency in charge of supervising business organizations such as joint-stock companies – except those subject to the control of the Securities Exchange Committee -, limited liability companies, foreign companies operating in Argentina and companies performing investment, capitalizations and savings operations and civil associations and NGOs having registered domicile or legal offices in the City of Buenos Aires. In addition, the IGJ keeps records of trust deeds (except those under the control of the Securities Exchange Committee), business transfer deeds and contracts, partnerships and sole proprietorship businesses and savings associations.

Antitrust Regulation Agency - CNDC
The aim of the Antitrust Regulation Agency (CNDC) is to defend competition by promoting dynamic operation of the markets and innovation, encouraging price bidding, and including multiple offerors in the interest and for the welfare of consumers.

National Communications Agency (ENACOM)
The National Communications Agency (ENACOM) is a decentralized and autarchic agency of the Federal Cabinet of Ministers. By regulating communications, the ENACOM’s main purpose is to lead the technological convergence processes and to establish stable market conditions to guarantee that all citizens have access to line and mobile telephony, the Internet, as well as to TV, radio and postal services.

The National Food, Drugs and Medical Technology Administration – ANMAT
The ANMAT oversees registration, control, inspection and surveillance of drugs, cosmetics, diagnostic reagents, medical products (equipment, devices and items for health care use); processed foods, dietary supplements, additives, sweeteners and ingredients for foods; household products, disinfectants and disinsectizers. The INAL, the National Sanitary Authority, controls the sanitary-hygienic, bromatological and commercial identification of products incoming or exiting the Country, regulating food, packaging and materials in contact with food, and household products.

National Insurance Superintendency Authority
The National Insurance Superintendency Authority protects insured parties by supervising and regulating the insurance market, promoting transparent and efficient controls.

The National Transportation Agency (CNRT)
The National Transportation Agency (CNRT) controls and oversees land transportation within the national jurisdiction. The Agency hears the claims from users of medium and long-distance road and railway companies.

The National Gas Regulation Agency – ENARGAS
The National Gas Regulatory Agency – ENARGAS is an autarchic agency of the Energy Office of the Ministry of Productive Development established by Statute 24.076 (The Gas Industry Regulation Act) in 1992 in order to regulate, control and supervise, operating also as a dispute resolution entity for settling matters and controversies arising from transportation and distribution of gas in the Argentine territory.

The National Electricity Regulation Agency - ENRE
The National Electricity Regulation Agency is an autarchic agency. The ENRE regulates activities concerning electricity and controls that the concerned companies (generating, transporting, and distributing companies) duly comply with the pertaining Regulations and with their obligations under the Concession Contracts.

National Register of Chemical Precursors – RENPRE
This Agency supervises the National Registry of Operators, responsible for registering and controlling individual and companies dealing with of chemical precursors. Furthermore, the Chemical Precursors Technical Evaluation and Control Office performs the technical analysis, control and supervision of registered operators, as well as the supervision and control of surface transportation, within the Federal Inspections Scheme.

Water and Sanitation Agency - ERAS
The Water and Sanitation Agency – ERAS is an autarchic and interjurisdictional agency that controls and supervises the public supply of drinking water and the sewage system, including water pollution cases and supervision of the services and pollution by Concessionaires.

Road concessions Control Agency - OCCOVI
The Road concessions Control Agency – OCCOVI is a decentralized office of the Ministry of Transportation, National Roads Office. The Agency supervises, inspects, and audits compliance with road networks concessions contracts and road works to be given in concession.

Superintendency of Health Services - SSS
The Superintendency of Health Services (SSS) regulates and controls the participants of the National Health Insurance Providers System, namely health insurance companies and trade-unions health providers, in order to guaranty due compliance with the applicable regulations.

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority - ARN
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority is the national Agency that regulates nuclear activity in areas such as radiology and nuclear safety, nonproliferation, safeguarding and protection. The ARN is an autarchic entity of the National Presidency Office established by Statute 24804 (Nuclear Activity Act).

The National Airports Regulation Agency – ORSNA
The National Airports Regulation Agency – ORSNA is a decentralized and autarchic office that promotes the development of airports within the Argentine territory. Established in 1997, its mission is to regulate, control and supervise the services provided to passengers and users of the airports that are part of the National Airport System (SNA).

The Consumers Protection Office - DNDC
The mission of the Consumers Protection Office (DNDC) is to supervise and enforce consumer protection laws and to coordinate the functions of the National Consumer Arbitration System. The DNDC is governed by statutes 24.240 and 26.993.

The National Copyrights Office – DNDA
The National Copyrights Office – DNDA, which depends on the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, is responsible for the protection of copyrights of authorship works, be them musical, literary, audiovisual, artistic, software, etc.

Nic Argentina
NIC is the National Registration Office of Internet Domain names, dependent on the Legal and Technical Office of the National Presidency, in charge of the registration of domain names “.ar”.